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Thomastik Infeld Blue IB100 husľové struny


Thomastik Infeld Blue IB100 husľové struny



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Thomastik Infeld Blue IB100 husľové struny

Thomastik Infeld Blue IB100 violin strings 4/4
State of the art synthetic core strings with perfectly matched tensions enable customization of sound covering the entire tonal spectrum. Using Infeld violin strings, players can achieve tonal preferences in a single string brand without the headaches of uneven tensions.

• Strings for violin 4/4
• Tension: medium
• E (IB01) - the core of high-carbon steel, tinned wrapper
• A (IB02) - composite core, wrapper: hydronalium
• D (IB03) - composite core, wrapper: hydronalium
• G (IB04) - core composite, silver wrapper

Technická špecifikácia:
Ilość strunKomplet
SeriaInfeld Blue

Názor na výrobok Thomastik Infeld Blue IB100 husľové struny

Cena s DPH
53.3 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR