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Gibson SG Standard Pelham Blue Burst


Gibson SG Standard Pelham Blue Burst



Id tovaru / Kód:

244328 / GIB-SG-STD-PBB

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Gibson SG Standard Pelham Blue Burst

Gibson SG Standard Pelham Blue Burst

The latest Gibson SG Standard features classic looks and features from the legendary SG models of the late 1960s.

Now the instrument is available as part of the impressive Custom Color series - new colour options will liven up any stage or guitar collection.

The refreshed SG features a mahogany neck with a rounded profile, a rosewood fingerboard and a solid mahogany body, which provides the basis for above-average sustain.

The whole is driven by a pair of 490R and 490T Alnico 2 pickups.

This is a truly versatile classic, adapted to the specifics of today's sound.

Technická špecifikácia:
Pre praváka / Pre levákaPre praváka
Pripevnenie krkulepený
Počet pražcov22
Elektromagnetické snímačehumbucker/humbucker (h/h)
Gitarový mostíkpevný
Počet stránok6
FarbaBlue Sunburst
Povrchová úpravavysoký lesk
Hudobné štýlyjazz, alternatíva, funk, rock, reggae, blues

Názor na výrobok Gibson SG Standard Pelham Blue Burst

Cena s DPH
1852 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR