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Ibanez ALT30FM-BDB Blue Doom Burst High Gloss


Ibanez ALT30FM-BDB Blue Doom Burst High Gloss



Id tovaru / Kód:

236962 / IBZ-ALT30FM-BDB

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Ibanez ALT30FM-BDB Blue Doom Burst High Gloss

Ibanez ALT30FM-BDB

Famous for its bold and innovative solutions, Japanese brand Ibanez surprises once again with the presentation of their ALTSTAR series. The original line of electric acoustic guitars draws attention with dynamic styling borrowed from RG electric guitars. A distinctive, pointed headstock contrasts with the traditional dreadnought soundboard - predatory fretboard markers and the asymmetrical sound hole familiar from Talman guitars provide a neat stylistic bridge, making the guitar look cohesive. However, styling is not everything. Its neck also draws on the ergonomics of an electric guitar and has an extremely comfortable profile. This combination of wood species ensures a full and loud sound with well-defined high frequencies. This guitar is equipped with a proprietary Ibanez pickup and a preamp with built-in tuner. Altstar series instruments are available in distinctive metallics finishes that enhance their unique character.

Technická špecifikácia:
Pre praváka / Pre levákaPre praváka
Vrchná doskamaple
Spodná doska / Lubysapeli
Tvar korpusuDreadnought
Počet stránok6
FarbaBlue Sunburst
Povrchová úpravavysoký lesk
Hudobné štýlyreggae, jazz, blues, rock, indie, alternatíva

Názor na výrobok Ibanez ALT30FM-BDB Blue Doom Burst High Gloss


Cena s DPH
431 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR