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Fender Vintage Noiseless Strat Set snímače (B-Stock)


Fender Vintage Noiseless Strat Set snímače



Id tovaru / Kód:

236718 / FEN-099-2115-000-U

Množstvo na sklade:0 set
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Fender Vintage Noiseless Strat Set snímače

Fender Vintage Noiseless Strat Set

Vintage Noiseless Strat pickups produce all the brilliant clarity, definition and harmonic attributes of vintage single-coil Strat tone without the hum. Get the prized early Stratocaster tone with modern circuitry and craftsmanship.


• Polysol-coated magnet wire
• Staggered hand-beveled polepieces for smooth, balanced tone
• Alnico 2 magnets create complex harmonics with warmer attack and less-aggressive midrange
• Vinyl-coated output wire and plastic bobbin
• Includes pots, resistors and capacitors required for optimum performance
• Installation hardware included

Názor na výrobok Fender Vintage Noiseless Strat Set snímače

Cena s DPH
185 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR