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Ibanez TCY10E-SFH Sea Foam Green


Ibanez TCY10E-SFH Sea Foam Green



Id tovaru / Kód:

222399 / IBZ-TCY10E-SFH

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Ibanez TCY10E-SFH Sea Foam Green

Ibanez TCY10E-SFH Sea Foam Green

It is interesting to note that in the 1990s, the Talman model also functioned as an electric guitar with an unusual shape and original sound. Currently produced electro-acoustics with this name, the shape of the sound box loosely refers to the shape of the body of the aforementioned electric. The guitar is highly original and definitely deviates from the pattern of popular designs. It has a very good acoustic sound and, when plugged into an amplifier, will appeal to anyone looking for warm, clean yet dynamic tones. The biggest advantage of the Talman model, however, is its very comfortable neck, similar in feel to an electric guitar. The guitar is therefore an ideal choice for electric guitarists who also reach for acoustic sounds.

Technická špecifikácia:
Pre praváka / Pre levákaPre praváka
Vrchná doskaspruce
Spodná doska / Lubysapeli
Tvar korpusuTalman
Počet stránok6
Povrchová úpravavysoký lesk
Hudobné štýlyreggae, blues, alternatíva, rock, indie, jazz

Názor na výrobok Ibanez TCY10E-SFH Sea Foam Green


Cena s DPH
176 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR