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Electro-Voice RE3ND765L


Electro-Voice RE3ND765L



Id tovaru / Kód:

216041 / EV-RE3-ND76-5L

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Electro-Voice RE3ND765L

Electro-Voice RE3-ND76

Handheld UHF wireless set featuring ND76 dynamic cardioid microphone head for vocal performance and presentations. The ND 76’s crisp, clear, and balanced vocal presence is ideal for all-around voice applications.

Setup is quick and simple using the RE3 clear frequency scan and sync functions, and the radio link between the robust handheld transmitter and diversity receiver delivers rock-solid system performance.


• Bandwidth limits (MHz): 488-524 Mhz
• Tuning Bandwidth: 10 MHz
• Selectable Frequencies: 400
• Transmit Output Power (mW): 10 and 20
• Coverage: Global

Názor na výrobok Electro-Voice RE3ND765L

Cena s DPH
440 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR