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Lee-Oskar Natural Minor 1910N E-Moll


Lee-Oskar Natural Minor 1910N E-Moll


Lee Oskar

Id tovaru / Kód:

204309 / LEE-OSKAR-797037

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Lee-Oskar Natural Minor 1910N E-Moll

Lee Oskar 1910N Natural Minor

The Lee Oskar Harmonicas Natural Minor is a very useful harp that makes it much easier to play many musical genres that would otherwise be very difficult to play on the Standard harmonica tuning. Even if a player could master the highly advanced techniques that would be necessary to play certain melodies, one still would not have the chords and Minor scale notes that the Natural Minor provides.

Natural Minor harps have a very bluesy, soulful sound that’s perfect for playing Minor Blues, Reggae, Ska, Latin, Funk, R & B, Hip Hop.


• For different kinds of music: Ethno, Folk, Gypsy, Tango and Eastern European music
• Yellow marking
• 10-holes - diatonic
• Brass tuning plates are fastened with 3 self-tapping screws
• Lower and upper cover made of stainless steel, fixed with 2 bolts and nuts
• Plastic case

Názor na výrobok Lee-Oskar Natural Minor 1910N E-Moll

Cena s DPH
46.1 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR