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Raw Vintage RV 50


Raw Vintage RV 50


Raw Vintage

Id tovaru / Kód:

180909 / RV-50

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Raw Vintage RV 50

Hand made with period accurate specs, the RV-50 pickups are "American style" pickups with creamy vintage tones that that come as close to the original as anything.

- Vintage style single coil pickup
- Alnico V magnets
- period accurate copper wire thickness and wrap
- vintage style push back cloth leads
- wax potted
- aged white cover
- suitable for neck and bridge position
- DC resistance 5.4 kOhm
- also available for middle position (RW/RP) as well as complete set
- hand wound in Southern California USA

Názor na výrobok Raw Vintage RV 50

Cena s DPH
99.5 EUR
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