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Pondelok - Piatok 9:30 - 18:00
Sobota 9:30 - 14:00

JHS Stutter Switch Mute / Kill Switch Nožné prepínač


JHS Stutter Switch Mute / Kill Switch Nožné prepínač



Id tovaru / Kód:


Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
Pozor! Cena za tento tovar sa mohla zmeniť. Aktuálnu cenu a čakaciu dobu si môžete dohodnúť s opatrovníkom výrobku.
Správca výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
JHS Stutter Switch Mute / Kill Switch Nožné prepínač

This super small little 2" box allows you to momentarily mute your signal. For years guitarist have done this by using their pickup selector on their Les Paul or even installing momentary "Kill Switch" buttons into their guitars, but now all you need to do is slap this guy on your board. No power needed as it is a totally passive device. Just tap away, and as your foot touches the switch, your signal is muted. Think of this as your own manual tremolo!

- stutter effects pedal
- for momentarily muting the signal
- stutter momentary footswitch
- 6.3 mm mono IN/OUT jacks
- no power supply required
- dimensions (L x W x H) 50 x 58 x 45 mm
- weight 100 g
- made in USA

Názor na výrobok JHS Stutter Switch Mute / Kill Switch Nožné prepínač

Cena s DPH
52.7 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR