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Otváracia doba
Pondelok - Piatok 9:30 - 18:00
Sobota 9:30 - 14:00

Mackie ONYX Artist 1-2


Mackie ONYX Artist 1-2



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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Mackie ONYX Artist 1-2

Mackie ONYX Artist 1-2

Whether you’re tracking your latest song idea or doing a live stream, the Onyx Series USB Interfaces deliver true studio-quality sound with maximum headroom and ultra-low noise.​

Combining high-resolution 24-bit/192kHz converters with premium Mackie analog circuitry and Built-Like-A-Tank hardware design, the bus-powered Onyx Series USB Audio Interfaces give you the power to capture your best performance and experience media with pristine fidelity at home or on the go.

Perfect for singer-songwriters and content creators, the Onyx Artist 1•2™ features an Onyx mic pre plus a ¼” input with Hi-Z switch for quick and easy recording. The Onyx Producer 2•2™ expands the versatility with dual Onyx mic pres and MIDI I/O for controllers, synthesizers and more.

Both models offer zero-latency direct monitoring plus a headphone output, L/R line-output and +48v phantom power.


• 24 Bit / 192 kHz
• Onyx microphone preamp
• 48 V phantom power switchable
• XLR microphone input
• Line input via 6.3 mm jack (balanced) with Hi-Z switch for instruments such as guitar and bass
• 2 Line outputs via 6.3 mm jack (balanced)
• Stereo headphone output via 6.3 mm jack
• USB powered
• Metal housing
• Dimensions (W x D x H): 163 x 114 x 51 mm
• Weight: 0.5 kg
• Including Tracktion Music Production software with Essentials Collection plugins for PC/Mac

Technická špecifikácia:
Počet vstupov2
Počet výstupov2
Počet predzosilňovačov1
Výstup pre slúchadlá1
Vzorkovacia frekvenciamax 192 kHz
Bitová hĺbkamax 24-bit
Konektory AES / EBUnie
Konektory ADATnie
Konektory MADInie
Konektory S / PDIFnie
Konektory MIDIáno
Ethernetové konektorynie
Word Clocknie
Power Phantománo
Direct Monitoráno
Montáž na stojannie
Obsahuje softvér DAWWaveform OEM
Energiepomocou konektora USB

Názor na výrobok Mackie ONYX Artist 1-2

Cena s DPH
90.3 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR