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Sabian SSKIT Sound Kit


Sabian SSKIT Sound Kit



Id tovaru / Kód:

162159 / SAB-SSKIT

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Sabian SSKIT Sound Kit

Sabian SSKIT Sound Kit

• Kick-tuned channel
• Overhead-optimized channels (2)
• Utilizes a simple three mic setup for natural sound
• Preset audio filters designed to take the guesswork out of getting great sound
• High output headphone amp with both 3.5mm and 1/4” jacks
• Line-out for live audio applications

Overhead microphones:
• This matched pair of overhead mics has been optimized specifically for use as drum overheads. Get the best from your cymbals and a big drum sound.

Dynamic kick drum microphone:
• Designed specifically for a great kick drum sound. The SK1 frequency response is tailored for bass drums. Its large diaphragm dynamic design is built for the high sound pressure levels of today's kick drums.

Názor na výrobok Sabian SSKIT Sound Kit

Cena s DPH
335 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR