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Otváracia doba
Pondelok - Piatok 9:30 - 18:00
Sobota 9:30 - 14:00

Yamaha TRB 1005J Carmel Brown basová gitara


Yamaha TRB 1005J Carmel Brown basová gitara



Id tovaru / Kód:

161413 / Y-TRB-1005J-CB

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Yamaha TRB 1005J Carmel Brown basová gitara

Yamaha TRB 1005J Carmel Brown bass guitar

TRB was born as a versatile 6-string bass guitar along with the greater involvement of synthesizers in music in end of 1980s. TRB has been developed to cover low tonal range with a 6th string (low B), which could not be reached by orthodox 4-string bass, and also the 1st (high C) makes possible for advanced players for further improvisation and expression.

TRB has employed a longer scale length of 35" to increase crisp tonal character in low range and great feel for string tension. TRB's low-noise PU and 3-band active circuit produce well-balanced clear sound and provide access to a wider range of tonal possibilities. As a result of Yamaha's countless efforts for innovation, TRB has been supported by many professional musicians since its debut in 1989 and become an icon of a 5 and 6-string bass in the world

Technická špecifikácia:
Pre praváka / Pre levákaPre praváka
Pripevnenie krkupriskrutkovaný
Počet pražcov24
Elektromagnetické snímačehumbucker/humbucker (h/h)
Druh elektronikyAktivne
Počet stránok5
FarbaRed Sunburst
Povrchová úpravavysoký lesk
Hudobné štýlyreggae, metal, rock, alternatíva, jazz, funk, blues

Názor na výrobok Yamaha TRB 1005J Carmel Brown basová gitara

Cena s DPH
935 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR