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LaBella Vapor Shield 1152 Phosphor Bronze struny na akustickú gitaru


LaBella Vapor Shield 1152 Phosphor Bronze struny na akustickú gitaru



Id tovaru / Kód:

160680 / LB-VSA1152

Množstvo na sklade:0 set
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
LaBella Vapor Shield 1152 Phosphor Bronze struny na akustickú gitaru

La Bella VSA1152

Welcome to the next generation of extended-life strings. Coated strings are now a thing of the past. The technology behind La Bella Vapor Shield is unlike any other string. The entire surface and full-length of all strings are treated with a nucleated polymer vapor material that requires hours of complex prep and processing; no spraying or dipping. The results are unmatched:

•• TONE. BRIGHTER than typical coated strings AND non-treated strings.
•• FEEL. The Ionic Vapor Process improves the string’s surface properties, resulting in SMOOTHER strings vs. both typical coated and non-treated strings.
• LIFE-SPAN. Lasts 5x longer than non-treated strings.
•• ENDURANCE. No flaking after extended play. Impervious to grime, tarnishing and oil residue.

• Phosphor Bronze Wound & Plain Steel treated with Ionic Vapor Process
• Slick mutated surface is resistant to oil and grime
• Tension: Custom Light
• String Gauges: .011, .015, .022W, .032, .042, .052
• Made in the USA with American Wire
• Packaged using MAP Technology (Modified Atmosphere Packaging) to prevent tarnishing and ensure freshness

Názor na výrobok LaBella Vapor Shield 1152 Phosphor Bronze struny na akustickú gitaru

Cena s DPH
18.3 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR