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Universal Acoustics Pluto-1 Room Kit


Universal Acoustics Pluto-1 Room Kit


Universal Acoustics

Id tovaru / Kód:

160095 / UACU-PLUTO-1

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Marcin Zdziabek, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Universal Acoustics Pluto-1 Room Kit

Universal Audio Pluto-1

Universal Acoustics Solar Systems are specially configured acoustic treatment kits. They are designed to provide realistic and affordable acoustic absorption and reverberation control within most types of rooms and spaces. Examples include Project Studios, Post Production facilities, Home Theatres, Home Studios, Rehearsal Rooms, Boardrooms, Language Labs, and Reception areas - in fact virtually any environment that would benefit from professionally designed sound control.


• Dramatic improvement to the audio integrity and sound definition
• Includes an installation guide
• Includes the appropriate quantity of Cosmic Fluid, specially formulated adhesive
• Fire retardant

Set includes:

• 24 x Mercury Wedges 50mm-300 x 300
• 1 x Space Mist Adhesive Cartridges
• 1 x Install Guide

Názor na výrobok Universal Acoustics Pluto-1 Room Kit

Cena s DPH
155 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR