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MOTU 828 Mk III Hybrid USB audio rozhranie


MOTU 828 Mk III Hybrid USB audio rozhranie



Id tovaru / Kód:

158247 / MOTU-828-MK3

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: ics@musicsquare.sk
MOTU 828 Mk III Hybrid USB audio rozhranie


Thunderbolt fulfills the promise of a truly state-of-the-art connectivity standard for personal computers. With massive bandwidth, Thunderbolt allows you to connect displays, hard drives, and other peripherals to your computer, along with the 828x, up to six devices total (with the 828x at the end of the chain), and the Thunderbolt bus won't even break a sweat. Thunderbolt combines plug-and-play convenience with massive bandwidth and low latency for truly professional audio interface performance. Do you work with outboard EQs and compressors? Each 828x mic input offers a pre-converter send for mono or stereo mic channel outboard processing. The 828x's unique V-Limit™ hardware limiter employs a proprietary design to offer an additional 12 dB of headroom over digital zero with no digital clipping or harsh artifacts, for that added protection in dynamic recording situations. The 828x's preamps are clean and neutral, allowing you to use your favorite plug-ins and host software to color the sound just the way you want for each recording application.


• USB or FireWire connection,
• CueMix FX Processor
• A total of 28 inputs / 16 buses, DSP,
• Equalization and compression on every input,
• Simultaneous work on 28 inputs / 30 outputs (44.1 / 48 kHz)
• Intuitive to use front panel with LCD display
• Ability to work without a computer
• Possibility of different mixes for the main and headphones
• Zero latency loop effects
• 2 inputs on the front panel (hi-Z or low-Z)
• 8 inputs and outputs 24-bit / 192 kHz
• 16 channels of ADAT (I / O) / 8 channels of SMUX (96 kHz)
• Two pairs of stereo inputs TOSLink
• The ability to combine interfaces
• SPDIF input and output 24-bit / 96 kHz
• World Clock (I / O)
• SMPTE (I / O)
• Driver for MAC and PC (Asio, WDM, Wave, GSIF, CoreAudio, CoreMIDI)
• Management application for Mac,
• Dual headphone outputs
• Intelligent detection 100-240V,
• Brackets for 19 "rack included

Názor na výrobok MOTU 828 Mk III Hybrid USB audio rozhranie

Cena s DPH
845 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR