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Los Cabos Clean Sweep Brush paličky na perkusie


Los Cabos Clean Sweep Brush paličky na perkusie


Los Cabos

Id tovaru / Kód:

154647 / LC-CS-BRUSH

Množstvo na sklade:0 set
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Adam Kaczarewski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Los Cabos Clean Sweep Brush paličky na perkusie

Los Cabos Clean Sweep Brush

Get the full sound range from your drumset with the Los Casbos Clean Sweep Nylon Drum Brushes. Unlike the Standard, The Clean Sweep is non-retractable and made of blue nylon rather than wire. The Clean Sweep has a wooden handle that's great for rim accents and bell articulation, as well as a softer brush tone with lots of depth.

• Nylon brush
• Wood handle

Názor na výrobok Los Cabos Clean Sweep Brush paličky na perkusie

Cena s DPH
15 EUR
Quantity discount:
QtyUnit price set
3 set14.70 EUR
5 set14.55 EUR
10 set14.25 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR