e-mail: ics@musicsquare.sk

Otváracia doba
Pondelok - Piatok 9:30 - 18:00
Sobota 9:30 - 14:00

Los Cabos Standard Brush paličky na perkusie


Los Cabos Standard Brush paličky na perkusie


Los Cabos

Id tovaru / Kód:

154642 / LC-STD-BRUSH

Množstvo na sklade:0 set
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: ics@musicsquare.sk
Los Cabos Standard Brush paličky na perkusie

Los Cabos Standard Brush

Get that classic jazz sound from your drumset with the Los Cabos Standard Drum Brushes. For songs that need a delicate hand, the Los Cabos Drum Brushes are an invaluable addition to your stick set. They’re also handily retractable, with a wire construction adding to their soft mystery.

• Brand: Los Cabos
• Product Height (cm): 41
• Product Width (cm): 3
• Product Depth (cm): 1.5

Názor na výrobok Los Cabos Standard Brush paličky na perkusie

Cena s DPH
16 EUR
Quantity discount:
QtyUnit price set
3 set15.68 EUR
5 set15.52 EUR
10 set15.20 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR