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HK Audio Lucas Nano 300 ozvučovacia súprava


HK Audio Lucas Nano 300 ozvučovacia súprava


HK Audio

Id tovaru / Kód:

154427 / HKA-LUKAS-NANO300

Množstvo na sklade:0 set
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Správca výrobku:
Marcin Zdziabek, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
HK Audio Lucas Nano 300 ozvučovacia súprava

HK Audio Lucas Nano 300

HK AUDIO developers followed much the same roadmap, combining everything about acoustics over the decades with state-of-the-art measuring and design methods. The result is LUCAS NANO 300. Unbelievably small and light. Unbelievably loud.
Unbelievable possibilities. LUCAS NANO 300’s subcompact dimensions and miniscule footprint will treat you to an unprecedented experience in convenience. Simply click-fit the two fist-sized satellites into the subwoofer, grab one of the comfortable grips, and enjoy the ease of toting an ultra light 10-kg package. And then there’s the unprecedented range of applications that transcends all conventional boundaries: Anything goes, from champagne receptions, small pub gigs and recording sessions to garden parties, multimedia presentations and thrilling gaming experiences. Just like that, the little LUCAS NANO 300 could become a big part of your life.


• Flexible: as a mono PA, 2.1 Setup or Double Set stereo in Twin mode
• 2 satellites with 3.5-inch wide strips for high speech intelligibility
• 230 W system power amplifier
• 120 dB max. SPL
• Low fundamental bass to 44 Hz
• Transport shaft for the satellites in the bass enclosure
• Only 10.3 kg with minimum dimensions
• Various optional extensions

Názor na výrobok HK Audio Lucas Nano 300 ozvučovacia súprava

Cena s DPH
502 EUR
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