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Epiphone AJ220S VS akustická gitara


Epiphone AJ220S VS akustická gitara



Id tovaru / Kód:

150821 / EPI-AJ220S-VS

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Andrzej Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Epiphone AJ220S VS akustická gitara

Epiphone AJ-220S

The AJ-220S has a unique bell-like shape, a larger lower bout, and a small round upperbout which gives this new addition to the Advanced Jumbo family of guitars a unique voice. And the AJ-220S is made with Epiphone’s century’s worth of experience in crafting world-class guitars that are meant to be played.

Acoustic guitar players know it’s difficult to find an instrument that has both a deep bass tone and crisp loud projection. On a small stage with an acoustic band and little amplification, a good acoustic guitar should be able be heard and anchor a band. The AJ220S’s strong and balanced tone will make other acoustic players who have spent much more on their guitars wish they had gone to Epiphone instead. Like all Epiphone acoustics, the AJ220S is legendary for being easy to set up and for staying in tune so no matter how much playing time you have, it's ready to go.

Technická špecifikácia:
Pre praváka / Pre levákaPre praváka
Vrchná doskaspruce
Spodná doska / Lubymahogany
Tvar korpusuDreadnought
Počet stránok6
FarbaHoney Sunburst
Povrchová úpravavysoký lesk
Hudobné štýlyblues, alternatíva

Názor na výrobok Epiphone AJ220S VS akustická gitara

Cena s DPH
259 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR