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Sakae PAC-D Orange bubenícka súprava


Sakae PAC-D Orange bubenícka súprava



Id tovaru / Kód:

148238 / SAKAE-PAC-D-O

Množstvo na sklade:0 set
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Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Sakae PAC-D Orange bubenícka súprava

Sakae PAC-D Orange

Sakae Drums made it possible for a compact drum kit to still maintain the same power and sound of a regular sized kits, yet it is very easy to carry and set up anywhere. The bass drum raiser is suitable for many different sizes of drums and is height is adjustable.


• Configuration: 4 Piece Drum Set w/Hardware Pack
• Snare: 5.5x12
• Finish: Orange
• Hardware: Hardware Pack Includes Hi Hat Stand, Snare Stand, Boom Stand, Bass Drum Pedal
• Misc: Righty Halo Hoops, Precision Cut Sharp Bearing Edges, Oversized Vents, Cradle Mounting System, Floor Tom Cradle Mount, Lower Boost Leg Base on Bass Drum

Názor na výrobok Sakae PAC-D Orange bubenícka súprava

Cena s DPH
694 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR