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Allen&Heath ZED 24 mixér


Allen&Heath ZED 24 mixér


Allen & Heath

Id tovaru / Kód:

139452 / AH-ZED-24

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Allen&Heath ZED 24 mixér

Allen & Heath ZED 24

Allen & Heath ZED-24 has the ability to mix 23 different sources, it is equipped in 16 mono channels, 4 stereo, 10 independent outputs, 4 aux sends (2 pre-fader, 2 post fader) and to top it all even USB. Shipping option at the master output mix as another USB makes ZED-24 full-fledged audio interface. Price for the quality of the equipment is very attractive. This is an excellent choice for both on stage and in the studio recordings.

• The microphone channels: 16
• Low-cut filter 100 Hz
• Correcting color 3-stage
• Phantom Power: + 48V global
• Mute buttons for each channel
• Slots Insertion: on each mono channel
• RCA Inputs: 2 pairs of stereo channels
• Gates: 100 mm with dust cover
• USB Port: USB 1.1 allows to send two signals to and from a computer with a resolution of 16 bit and sampling frequencies: 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz
• Outputs:
- 2x Main Out on XLR connectors
- 2 headphones, Mono Out
- 4x AUX Out
• USB Audio In / Out
• Software: The Audio-MIDI Cakewalk SONAR LE (included)
• Net Weight: 10.5 kg

Technická špecifikácia:
Počet vstupných koľajníc24
Počet koľajníc s mikrofónom16
Počet stereo zberníc4
Počet koľajníc AUX5
Počet vložiek16
Grafický ekvalizéráno
Fantómové napájanie 48Váno
Efektový procesornie
Môže byť namontovaný v stojaneáno
Audio rozhraniaáno
Prehrávač USB/MP3nie
závažia10.5 kilogram

Názor na výrobok Allen&Heath ZED 24 mixér

Cena s DPH
648 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR