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DrumCraft Lignum Maple Snare 14x6,5″ pochodujúci bubienok


DrumCraft Lignum Maple Snare 14x6,5″ pochodujúci bubienok



Id tovaru / Kód:

139096 / DC-838385

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Adam Kaczarewski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
DrumCraft Lignum Maple Snare 14x6,5″  pochodujúci bubienok

DrumCraft Lignum Maple Snare 14x6,5″

Lignum is the Latin term for wood - thus, this extraordinary line of instruments combines a selected range of different wood species. DrumCraft Lignum Maple Snare is the snare for the all around drummer who works in an orchestra, big band, jazz club and also serves his Funk/combo as well. Nice, controlled overtones with a very warm body and distinct mid frequencies make this snare a versatile instrument. The Vintage A head complements the basic character of the snare perfectly. Preferred Snare of Thomas Svensson (The Baseballs).

• Harvested in USA
• Size: 14x6,5“
• 16-plies
• Remo USA Vintage A batter head
• Remo USA Ambassador hazy resonant head

Technická špecifikácia:
Priemer14 "
výška6.5 "
Počet vrstiev tela16
Počet ladiacich skrutiek10

Názor na výrobok DrumCraft Lignum Maple Snare 14x6,5″ pochodujúci bubienok

Cena s DPH
193 EUR
Free delivery0 EUR