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Otváracia doba
Pondelok - Piatok 9:30 - 18:00
Sobota 9:30 - 14:00

Gewa 570475 Fire&Stone kľučka pre navíjanie strún


Gewa 570475 Fire&Stone kľučka pre navíjanie strún



Id tovaru / Kód:

138381 / GEWA-570475

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
Pozor! Cena za tento tovar sa mohla zmeniť. Aktuálnu cenu a čakaciu dobu si môžete dohodnúť s opatrovníkom výrobku.
Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Gewa 570475 Fire&Stone kľučka pre navíjanie strún

Fire&Stone Speedwinder black string winder
THE brand for guitar accessories. Whether guitar straps, machine heads, picks, capodaster or care products, all GEWA items are of premium quality. Fire&Stone Speedwinder will help you change the guitar strings quickly and easily. Very comfortable grip and robust design ensure reliability.

• String winder with detachable head for all string instruments
• Perfect for service and repair shops: the steel shaft also fits into a cordless drill
• 3-part head for all kinds and sizes of machine heads

Názor na výrobok Gewa 570475 Fire&Stone kľučka pre navíjanie strún

Cena s DPH
8.8 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR