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Allen&Heath Ledlamp SX


Allen&Heath Ledlamp SX


Allen & Heath

Id tovaru / Kód:

128590 / AH-LEDLAMP-SX

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Marcin Zdziabek, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Allen&Heath Ledlamp SX

Allen&Heath Ledlamp SX LEDLamp

LEDLamp is a variable brightness 18” gooseneck lamp for mixing console and other equipment illumination using LEDs (light emitting diodes) instead of a filament bulb. The LEDs are angled at 40 degrees ensuring a suitably wide light dispersion. Producing a bright, white light, the LEDLamp is more relaxing on the eye and better suited to illuminating a console control surface than the yellow light of a filament bulb. Unlike the filament bulb, the LEDs do not produce heat and they do not require replacement in time. A dimmer function is built into the lamp head. The light can be variably dimmed using a knurled thumbwheel from fully on to almost off so that it can be set according to the operating brightness required.

The LEDLamp circuit is built into a strong, stylish plastic moulding to ensure protection and user comfort. The flexible metal gooseneck can be bent into shape to adjust to the area being illuminated. It terminates in a 4-pin metal XLR suitable for plugging into the mating socket as found on many consoles including those made by Allen & Heath. Alternatively, it can be powered from an external 12V power supply.

Názor na výrobok Allen&Heath Ledlamp SX

Cena s DPH
55.6 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR