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Regal Tip BR-551W-XL Non Reter Brush XL paličky na perkusie


Regal Tip BR-551W-XL Non Reter Brush XL paličky na perkusie


Regal Tip

Id tovaru / Kód:

122883 / REGAL-BR-551W-XL

Množstvo na sklade:0 set
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Správca výrobku:
Adam Kaczarewski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Regal Tip BR-551W-XL Non Reter Brush XL paličky na perkusie

Regal Tip BR-551W-XL

The Regal Tip XL brush is a fixed-spread, wire brush with a thick American hickory wood handle with the famous Regal Tip finish. The extra wide and longer handle is great for back-sticking. For 50 years, Regal Tip has been supplying great drummers with great products. As the global leader in brush manufacturing, Regal Tip set the standard for what you have come to expect. All Regal Tip products are hand-crafted with detailed precision.

• Fixed-wire spread
• Extra-long wood handle
• 13-3/4" length x .562" diameter

Názor na výrobok Regal Tip BR-551W-XL Non Reter Brush XL paličky na perkusie

Cena s DPH
26.6 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR