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Hohner 542/20MS-C Golden Melody fúkacia harmonika


Hohner 542/20MS-C Golden Melody fúkacia harmonika



Id tovaru / Kód:

115673 / HOHNER-542/20MS-C

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Hohner 542/20MS-C Golden Melody fúkacia harmonika

Hohner Harmonica

The Hohner Golden Melody harmonica has an attractive 1950s look thanks to its rounded shape and closed-sided, full-length covers. An especially airtight harmonica with a strong, full-bodied sound, the Golden Melody is the only Hohner diatonic harp with equal-tempered tuning, which makes it especially suitable for melody playing. Curved cover plates extend the entire length of the Golden Melody harmonica, providing increased resonant capacity. With a comfortably curved shape, the Golden Melody harmonica's smooth, rounded corners fit nicely into the palms of your hands as you play. Hohner sets the Golden Melody harmonica's reeds close to the open-framed mouthpiece, so it responds to the subtlest of commands—making the Golden Melody perfect for overblowing as well as for bending. You'll find taht the Golden Melody's sound is unique in its class with a slightly different tuning that produces full, rich, melodic tone. Although it's a favorite harmonica among gospel and hymn players on Sunday mornings, the Golden Melody can definitely hold its own in the blues bar the night before. The Hohner Golden Melody harmonica is a favorite of great harpists such as Pierre Lacocque of Mississippi Heat, jazz virtuoso Howard Levy, and Levy's renowned Cuban-Canadian student, Carlos Del Junco. Its unique design, coupled with an airtight, dark red, plastic body sets the 10-hole Golden Melody harmonica apart. Its equal-temperament tuning makes the Hohner Golden Melody a natural for country music. And there's no doubt that your Golden Melody is the harmonica that can bring down the house on blues and rock numbers.

• Improved reed profiles to increase reed life by over 200%
• Precision die punches to ensure reed plates with unparalleled air tightness
• Improved tuning accuracy (through investment in innovative new tools)
• Extremely stable stainless steel covers that won't tarnish and are easy to clean
• Dynamic range and highest volume of most any commercially made harmonica
• Super-fast response at all volume levels
• Easily adjustability for overblows

• 10-hole diatonic
• Standard (Richter) tuning
• Key: C
• Reeds: 20
• Reedplates: brass; 0.9 mm
• Plastic, red comb
• Length: 10 cm

Technická špecifikácia:
Počet kanálov10
Počet rákosia20
úpravaChrómovaná oceľ

Názor na výrobok Hohner 542/20MS-C Golden Melody fúkacia harmonika


Cena s DPH
50.7 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR