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Neutrik NYS-SPP-L1 matrix prepínač


Neutrik NYS-SPP-L1 matrix prepínač



Id tovaru / Kód:


Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Neutrik NYS-SPP-L1 matrix prepínač

Neutrik NYS-SPP-L1

The NYS-SPP-L1 is a economical and remarkable sleek designed 1/4“ modular Patch Panel for 19“ rack mount (19“ x 1U) with a reinforced metal housing. Each of it‘s 48 PCB wired balanced channels (24 front pairs and corresponding 24 rear pairs) can either be grounded separately or in groups of individually chooseable channel numbers.
The PCBs are held securely in place by being clamped between the front and the rear panel, this grants an easy reconfiguration of the Patch Panel without the danger of loosing any small parts (e.g. nuts). The grey jack serves as an easy and distinguishable normalling identification.

• Individual grounding available for each channel separately
• Ruggedized metal housing
• Improved contact design minimises wear on mated plugs
• Economic and versatile designed 1/4" modular Patch Panel with 2 rows of jack sockets
• 48 balanced channels with fully PCB wired jack (24 vertical PC boards), 24 front pairs and corresponding 24 rear pairs
• Jack PC card contains 4 balanced 1/4" jacks with non-tarnishing contacts, is held securely in place without the use of nuts - no little pieces to drop, break or lose
• Easy to change configuration by just flipping individual PC board
• Normalling jack is coloured grey for easy identification
• 4 designation strips included for front and rear panel

Názor na výrobok Neutrik NYS-SPP-L1 matrix prepínač

Cena s DPH
80.8 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR