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Seydel 10313E Blues Session Steel natural minor E


Seydel 10313E Blues Session Steel natural minor E



Id tovaru / Kód:

194533 / SEY-10313E

Množstvo na sklade:0 pcs.
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Správca výrobku:
Jakub Pindelski, tel. +42 0234261768,
email: [email protected]
Seydel 10313E Blues Session Steel natural minor E

Seydel 10313E Blues Session Steel

Blues Harmonica with stainless steel reeds - many special tunings available: Nat. Minor, Harm. Minor, Country, MM, etc. The SESSION STEEL is the upgrade to our successful SESSION model is presented with a bold new look and superior technical reliability, excellent playability and a fantastic sound.


• Ergonomic coverplates made of stainless steel, completely rounded at the mouthpiece
• ABS comb with recessed German Silver reedplates
• Rivets and screws made of stainless steel
• Lips and beard-friendly design
• Minimal air consumption achieved by fine-cut reedplates, optimized flatness and extremely
• Small tolerances between reed and reedplate
• Stainless steel reeds provide the best clear and full sound and response of the 1847 models
• An up to 5 times longer playing life compared to models with brass reeds
• With convenient genuine leather pouch
• Type: diatonic
• Tone nat.: minor E
• Number of channels: 10
• Number of reeds: 20

Technická špecifikácia:
kľúčnat. minor E
Počet kanálov10
Počet rákosia20
rákosiaNerezová oceľ
úpravaChrómovaná oceľ

Názor na výrobok Seydel 10313E Blues Session Steel natural minor E

Cena s DPH
35.4 EUR
GLS / Royal Mail 9 EUR